I have been singing ever since I can remember. I started piano when I was 6 years old, participated in choir, band and productions in school, and I joined a children’s choir in my tweens. There I was able to “cantor” for the first time. My love of music and singing eventually led my to seek a degree in music and later I performed with a few vocal groups. After moving to California and learning more about music in film, I decided to go back to my roots and sing in church. I quickly became involved in choir and began training to be an official cantor and was certified by the Archdiocese of Los Angeles. I have also directed productions and choirs, particularly my angel choir at Incarnation Catholic Church many who have all grown to cantor and develop their vocal talents. Here are some snippets of me and my kids singing on my soundcloud. Enjoy. https://soundcloud.com/susanchakmakian
See my cantor resume below.
Susan Chakmakian ~ Certified Catholic Cantor
Dedicated, seasoned, and talented Cantor with more than 20 years of experience in Catholic and Christian liturgical music. Excellent vocal and song leader skills in English and in Latin. Practicing Catholic
St Anthony de Padua, San Antonio, TX Cantor/Psalmist
November 2022 – present
Lead congregational singing for the Saturday and Sunday liturgy. Rehearse and participate with choir. Cantor/Psalmist for Wedding and Funeral liturgies.
St Didacus Catholic Church, Sylmar, CA, Los Angeles County – Cantor
December 2014 – August 2020
Cantor/Psalmist – Led congregational singing for the Sunday 10am and 1130am Masses. Rehearsed with other musicians weekly. Planned appropriate music for the Sunday liturgy. Cantor/Psalmist for Wedding and Funeral liturgies.
Holy Trinity Catholic Church, Los Angeles, CA – Cantor
July 2015 – July 2020
Cantor/Psalmist – Led congregational singing for the Saturday 5pm Mass Latin Mass and previously for Sunday 5pm Mass. Rehearsed with other musicians weely. Planned appropriate music for the liturgy. Cantor/Psalmist for Easter Vigil and Triduum. Cantor for Exsultet for Easter Vigil. Cantor/Psalmist for Wedding and Funeral liturgies. Provided and Maintained Musical equipment
Incarnation Catholic Church, Glendale, CA – Cantor / choir director
June 2007 – Sept 2014
Cantor/Psalmist – Led congregational singing for weekly Saturday and Sunday Masses. Rehearsed with other musicians weekly. Section leader for Traditional Choir. Substitute choir director. Director for Angel Choir (PK-2nd grade)
Cantor/Psalmist for Wedding and Funeral liturgies. Cantor for Exsultet
Certified Cantor for Archdiocese of Los Angeles, Latin Mass, Liturgical Planning, Choir direction, Music teacher – Voice/Piano, Psychology and Communications, Multitasking